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 getcurdir()             Get Current Directory

 #include   <dir.h>

 int        getcurdir(drive,direc);
 int        drive;                       Drive number
 char       *direc;                      Pointer to directory name

    getcurdir() gets the name of the current working directory for
    'drive'.  'drive' is a drive number, where 0 = default, 1 = A, and so
    on.  'direc' is a pointer to the portion of memory where the
    directory name will be stored.  The area is of length MAXDIR. The
    name is null-terminated; it does not contain the drive specification,
    nor does it begin with a backslash.

       Returns:     0 if successful; -1 on error.

   Portability:     MS-DOS only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements print the name of the current directory
    (without the drive specifier).

           #include <stdio.h>   /* for printf */
           #include <dir.h>     /* for getcurdir and MAXDIR */

               char dirname[MAXDIR];

               getcurdir(0,dirname);   /* 0 = default drive */
               printf("The current directory is %s\n",dirname);

See Also: getcwd()
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